If you want to know what NTPC means, here is the NTPC long form in Hindi. The NTPC full form also has a Hindi translation, and you can check the official website for the English version. The long form of NTPC is used for applications for Railway Jobs. If you want to know more about it, read on. This article will help you prepare for the exam by answering some common questions.
NTPC is an acronym for the National Thermal Power Corporation. It’s a public sector company in India. It is the largest thermal power generating company in the country and was founded in 1975. NTPC was recently granted Maharatna status, making it one of only 10 companies in India to receive this distinction. While it still remains a leader in power generation, the organization has also branched out into renewable energy sources, natural gas exploration, and distribution.
In its 12th plan, NTPC Limited targets to become a 128000-MW power company by 2032. The company is currently on an expansion spree, adding an additional 14,058 MW of capacity over the next five years. In 2012-13, the company added 4,170 MW; in 2013-14, it added 1835 MW; in 2014-15, it added 1290 MW; and from April to 30 November 2015, it added 1150 MW.
As the largest electricity producer in the world, NTPC is also a significant source of power generation and supply in India. Whether you are looking for information on NTPC’s capacity, its assets, or its operations, it is possible to get your answer with the NTPC long form. And if you’re interested in its long-term future, NTPC is on a mission to become a Maharatna company.
As mentioned, NTPC is a public sector company headquartered in New Delhi, India. It was created to enhance the development of thermal power generation in the country. Its stock is listed on the National and Bombay stock exchanges. Additionally, it also provides consultancy services related to power generation and undertakes turnkey projects for domestic and international clients. You can also learn about NTPC’s upcoming projects on their website.
The NTPC exam is held every year by RRB. The RRB follows a standardization process to check the marks of the candidates. You can download your admit card after the exam. So, don’t be worried about the exam. After you pass the exam, download your NTPC admit card and get ready for a new career. There’s nothing worse than not getting your desired job! You’ve done your research and you’ve applied to the right place.
The RRB NTPC long form railway recruitment is a must-have for candidates applying for the non-technical section of the Railways. If you are prepared, you can start applying today. The recruitment board will be hiring over 35,208 people for a variety of jobs, including assistant managers and clerks. You can find more information about the NTC long form on the official RRB website. You can also apply online through this link.